Is hemp federally legal?
Yes, hemp became federally legal after the passage of the 2018 farm bill in November of 2018, and then enacted December 20th 2018.
What's the difference between hemp and marijuana?
Hemp and Marijuana are both part of the plant genus Cannabis. Hemp by definition is classified as varieties of Cannabis that contain less than 0.3% of the psychoactive cannabinoid, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
In contrast to the marijuana cannabis plants, hemp produces predominately non-psychoactive cannabinoids such as cannabidiol (CBD) and can be used for a multiple purposes including industrial, medicinal, food and beauty products.
What is CBD and will it get me high?
CBD, short for cannabidiol, is one of the 114 chemical cannabinoid's chemical compounds from the cannabis plant.
It is extracted from the hemp plant to be used in consumer and medical products to treat discomfort and illness. CBD is a non-toxic and non-psychoactive substance, meaning it does not have a strong effect on cognitive brain activity and does not cause the “high” that you receive from THC.
What's the projected market size for hemp?
In 2017, Forbes Magazine, who frequently publishes articles on the cannabis industry, estimated the size of the CBD market to reach $645 million by 2022.
In March of 2019, Forbes Magazine published an article stating the CBD market could expand to an estimated $20 billion by 2024.
The leading cannabis research firm, BDS Analytics, released a comprehensive study saying the CBD market in the US alone will exceed $20 billion by 2024.
Rolling Stone Magazine published an article estimating the industry at $22 billion by 2022. Many industry insiders believe that estimate will prove to be very conservative, as the use of hemp as a smokable product is becoming more prevalent in several countries, including the US.
What does FLURA produce?
FLURA focuses on producing seeds from our proprietary seed genetics, smokable hemp flower and full plant extract, which is used in a variety of products ranging from skin lotions to nutraceutical products. FLURA ensures its premium quality by managing every step of the process from seed to extraction and beyond.